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[惡搞] Hitler 起錨(Act now)

[轉載/Youtube] ryantong1988 — May 31, 2010 — Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive Donald Tsang is hard-selling the 2012 constitutional reform proposal. He uses the slogan "Act now(起錨)"(起錨means weigh anchor), "起錨" sounds like "Hitler" in Cantonese.

The proposal is a piece of shit that induces 5 more indirect-elected functional constituency members into the legislative council, and said this is the mid-way to 2017&2020 general election.

Those 30 Functional constituency members now in the legislative council were elected by ~210,000 electors, some of them were "elected" with zero vote; Other 30 Direct-elected councilors were elected by ~3,200,000 electors.

Most Functional constituency members were voted down to induce minium wage at least 3 times, on behalf of land agents, contractors and company owners, etc. They're the reason why HKers are not protected by minium wage till now.

"Twenty" Cheung, functional constituency member, had suggested that the minium wage should set to HK$20/hr( US$2.56) recently.


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